Connecting Flores coffee farmers with the world

Discover how we’re bridging the gap between smallholder coffee farmers in Flores, Indonesia, and global direct-to-consumer markets. Through a dynamic partnership between New Zealand and Indonesia, we unite farmers into a high-quality production center, ensuring the best in coffee reaches your cup while building livelihoods.


Coffee farming innovation

We’re empowering farmers with valuable knowledge and data-driven insights to enhance productivity and quality. Not just a processing facility; we're working towards genuine traceability and supply chain decarbonisation. Championing coffee as a hero ingredient, specialising in high-quality concentrate cold brew production for B2B supply. Collaborating with local agencies and international organisations, working together to boost farm-level volume and quality.


8.6574° S, 121.0794° E

Flores Island

The name Flores is from “Cabo de Flores” - Cape of Flowers - used by Portuguese sailors in the 17th century. 570 kms long and located 300 kms to the east of Bali, Flores is home to exotic tropical fruits, spices and creatures, high mountain ranges and volcanoes surrounded by some of the world’s best coral reefs. Flores Island is populated by various ethnic groups with their own traditions and languages within a total island wide population of around 2 million.



Flores Island Coffee is led by Greg Hickman and Haigan Murray from Old Station Road, New Zealand, and in partnership as a long-term profit share joint venture with Kopdit Pintu Air - Indonesia’s largest cooperative credit union. Pt. Pintu Air Kopi Flores has been established to carry out Flores Island Coffee operations in Indonesia.



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Sip Into The Cup: Tasting Notes

Sip Into The Cup: Tasting Notes

Photo by René Porter on Unsplash Have you ever noticed flavor descriptions like sweet almond or orange on coffee packaging? Those are called “tasting notes”, brief descriptions of the coffee's natural aroma, taste, and overall character derived from the chemical compounds within the beans themselves. While they may sometimes seem abstract, tasting notes are designed to guide your palate, helping you gravitate toward coffees you might enjoy and steer clear of those you might not. Think of it like the range of flavors you experience in apples and wine. A Granny Smith apple offers a classic tartness, while a Honeycrisp...

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Sip Into The Cup: Hot VS. Iced Coffee

Sip Into The Cup: Hot VS. Iced Coffee

Photo by IvanBE pratama on Unsplash The indecision is real – standing in front of the cafe menu, unsure whether to order your usual hot latte or venture into iced coffee territory. We've all been there! What makes these two versions of your favorite beverage so different? This guide delves into the science and experience of hot and iced coffee, helping you confidently choose your next cup. The most noticeable distinction between hot and iced coffee lies in their flavor profiles. Hot coffee typically boasts a bolder, richer taste with a more pronounced aroma. This is due to the way...

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