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Who we are

Flores Island Coffee (FIC) is a strategic New Zealand and Indonesian partnership leading sustainable growth within the Flores Island coffee industry.

Old Station Road Limited is a New Zealand based brand owner, project developer and investor operating in Australia, Singapore and Indonesia within the agriculture, food and beverages sectors.

Kopdit Pintu Air is Indonesia’s largest cooperative credit union. Currently, 370,000 members are part of the Pintu Air Cooperative. 222,000 (60%) of these members are smallholder farmers with agricultural landholdings of around 400,000 hectares.

The partnership is based in east Indonesia in Flores Island at Maumere, below the coffee growing areas of Mt Egon and Nilo and engages with the coffee farmer membership of Kopdit Pintu Air throughout Flores Island.

Mission Statement


Ethical Labour & Gender Neutral Practices

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Deforestation Free


Biodiversity & Ecosystem Services


Emissions & Circular Economy

Within 3 years achieve the aggregation of coffee production from 3% of the 75,000 Flores smallholder coffee farmer households, into a high quality, globally significant production centre, and to reach a target of 6% of these farmer households within 5 years.

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1. Deploy a Smallholder Farmer Ethical & Sustainability KPI system (FESS) to deliver knowledge transfer in good farming practice, supporting productivity uplift and quality through data-driven analysis and measurement while building household livelihoods.

2. Link coffee production to a new near-to-source centralised high-tech coffee processing facility, enabling value addition and genuine traceability and supply chain decarbonisation.

3. Develop value addition from coffee as hero ingredient and focus on bulk high quality concentrate cold brew coffee production for global B2B supply.

4. Collaborate with local agencies and international coffee development organisations to create and deploy programs that enhance volume and quality at farm level from an underperforming island wide crop.

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Strategic Leadership

FIC investment is led by Greg Hickman and Haigan Murray from Old Station Road New Zealand with Indonesian partner Pintu Air Credit Union. The partnership was signed in 2023 and is structured as a long-term profit share joint venture.

Indonesian based commercial entity, established specifically to carry out FIC operations in Indonesia, incorporated and led by Pintu Air Cooperative.


Yakobus Jano


Fulgensius Siswanto Toda


Theresia Ine Ruthi

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Greg Hickman


Haigan Murray


Mike Rowe-Roberts

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Natasha Ellington Letik

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Bibiana Gunawan Ndoi